Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Greek tragedy after all?

The German government today announced an emergency ban on short selling and credit default swaps on European bonds and some other European stuff. The details aren't important. What's important is that this is the government equivalent of running around screaming and waving your hands. It is a rare act of pure panic that normally always precedes a collapse (because it almost never works).

We will see what the European market does tomorrow. The Asian market isn't reacting too great right now. Of course, the first obvious effect is it forces immediate losses on some, and generally panics the market with its unpredictability.

The most immediate effect of a Euro collapse would be good for us. The dollar would get stronger, the price of oil would go down, etc. It's the panic and hellish part after that that isn't so great. We'll see. I have been saying for eight months that it would start in March and be going totally off a cliff by July. It is extremely possible. (Reminder: it started Feb. 12th.) With the next collapse starting in Europe instead of here, that gives us a little time before people will really understand what's going on and panic here. That's good for preparing and shopping and such, instead of being in a scene like in the movies where people are climbing over each other to grab the last can of peas...

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