This is a very important article. Andrew Breitbart does a really good job talking about the Democratic Party's obsession with toxic, thuggish, amoral Saul Alinsky tactics. Alinsky's book, which is revered by progressives like Obama who bathe in its teachings, is lovely. The whole purpose of it is tactics for how to stir up enough hatred and outrage and division to bring about a communist revolution in a country that starts out not wanting one. Touching really.
Research it, Rules for Radicals. Obama was the trainer for the trainers of Alinsky tactics for years, the grand master. All of his top people have spent their whole lives teaching Alinsky, starting Alinsky organizations, running Alinsky organizations. So, what you expect from them? It is hate and suffering spread as widely as possible and elevated to the level of an art form.
To Alinsky, the very first job of a community organizer is to disorganize and stir up discontent. Only 3% of Americans think the government is doing a good job. By any measure we have the angriest, most discontented populace, and most unpopular congress and first term president in history. So, has he disorganized and stirred up yet? I'd give him an A+ on community organizing, though he gets a well-deserved F as a president, which is actually what we hired him for. (For the record, I didn't hire him. That would be crazy.)
Is that stirred up enough for you? Sadly, the part that comes after making everybody angry and discontented is worse.
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