Sunday, July 11, 2010

Very important, no one talks about

Islam and Marxism from Allah to Alinsky: Part 1 – The Ends

All politics is about power. On one end of the spectrum we have the power of the individual through voluntary action guided by free will; on the other we have the power of the state through coercive action guided by the collective. Islam and Leftism are ideologies that fall in the latter camp: one theo-political and the other strictly political.


Though the tenets of these belief systems may differ in certain respects, their ends are the same, power and control – in the case of Islam through the imposition of universal Sharia Law under the rule of Allah, and in the case of Marxism through the imposition of universal socialism under the rule of man.

True, in theory the goal of Marxism is a Utopic world following the pablum “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” but given its fallacious economic theory and incomparably evil practice, we have seen that its end is always man in essence playing the role of Allah. It is about man enslaving his fellow man through the power of the law. Indeed, the end game for these ideologies is totalitarian control of social, political and economic life.

Under Sharia Law and Marxism, the freedoms of the individual are non-existent, with the individual controlled by the religion of Islam in the case of the former or the religion of “democracy” in the case of the latter. Free will is abolished, with institutionalized total subservience for citizens either to Allah or to dictators, benevolent or not so benevolent.

The systems produced outlaw free speech and all freedom of expression anathema to the will of the theo-political or political state, private enterprise (see Hugh Fitzgerald’s discussion of Islamic disdain of Bid’a, or innovation, and inshallah-fatalism) and any semblance of privacy due to in the one case the religious police and in the other the secret police like the KGB.

Fundamental Judeo-Christian values are quashed. Liberty and security are lost. Worldly success is based on political guile and graft. Every aspect of one’s life is highly regulated, and the non-believers, be they the people of the book or the Liberals must be made to submit or face death.

To be sure, not all leftist or socialist countries in the West are similar to those in the East. Due to differing cultures and traditions, heretofore Western socialism in the post World War II era has largely been based upon soft power – subtle indoctrination, nuisance regulations and pacifist governments, while their comrades in Eastern socialist nations rule based upon intense propaganda, total control of all spheres of life and militant and abusive regimes.

Too, Muslims generally have not yet imposed coercive governmental power in the Western world, but rather resorted to more subtle forms of control through threatening opponents and silencing criticism under the guise of multiculturalism and tolerance, as part of dawa. They have practiced a sort of de facto control by turning our freedoms and creeds against us in their Sophisms to quell criticism and dissent. And they have pushed for and in certain countries effectively implemented Sharia Law both within their enclaves and without through ideologically aligned elected officials.

However, as Islam grows in influence worldwide, just as Marxism – subtle or overt – continues to corrupt Western institutions, so too will its part and parcel political system of Sharia Law.

It is my view that Islam and Leftism have worked and will continue to work hand in hand to do so, putting their differences aside to accomplish their ultimate goals. While the socialists and the Muslims would not be able to co-exist were they both to attempt to rule, today they each operate under the notion that the enemy of the enemy is their friend. Thus, they are able to overcome their differences in terms of social and religious beliefs as they bring down their common opponent.

Perhaps the underlying arguments presented above are best-summarized by Bertrand Russell when he said:

Bolshevism combines the characteristics of the French Revolution with those of the rise of Islam…. Marx has taught that Communism is fatally predestined to come about; this produces a state of mind not unlike that of the early successors of Mahommet…. Among religions, Bolshevism is to be reckoned with Mohammedanism, rather than with Christianity and Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal religions, with mystical doctrines and a love of contemplation. Mohammedanism and Bolshevism are practical, social, unspiritual, concerned to win the empire of this world.

Next in this series I will examine the similar tactical theory that guides them in their work to destroy any semblance of Western civilization.

The introduction to the series can be found here

Article from Andrew Breitbart's Bigpeace

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