Our Hero
Who is the hero of the movie Avatar? He is a former marine who was sent to a war he didn’t want to fight and ended up in a wheelchair. So he’s the victim of someone more powerful than himself who was unjust and threw him down to stay in that wheelchair, crippled. In the course of the movie he takes on the body of an avatar to work among another race to ultimately save them.
What is an avatar? Avatar is actually a concept from Luciferian theology (the religion of Satan worship, which in its worship-of-Lucifer-the Lightbearer-form is far more common than you think). To Luciferians one of Satan’s many identities, Djwal Khul, hung out in
Of course, Satan’s version, told in the Koran and occult sources, is that Satan was just minding his business and God was unjust and threw him down and crippled him by limiting what he could do and where he could go.
We are the World
Now, what about this world that the blue people of the movie live in? Remember? Everything is alive, interconnected, and even the plants all over that world can communicate with animals and humanoids on the other side of the world. They are also all connected to the worldwide spirit mother, the tree of light that unites and enlightens them all. She is very powerful and has mystical powers, even over death.
Sounds very different from our world, right? Actually, it is believed by Luciferians to be the way things actually work here. It’s called the Gaia Hypothesis and you will often hear the teachings spouted by Al Gore and his pals. We all belong to the earth; she is our mother; we’re all connected to all living things; God is in all of us and everything. This is a very ancient and successful cult that is well established to be a cult of Satan. He is the mother of our world, the spirit mother and power and force of the world that pulses through all things. You can increase your power and joy in this life by connecting to his power that surges through all things and become one with all things and so on. One of his main symbols, probably the main one, is blue light like the tree in the movie emitted. He claims to be the enlightener to bring light to mankind and the universe. (That's weird. Look at the picture above. Everything in the movie is always bathed in blue light.)
Feng Shui, crystals, transcendental meditation, pyramid power, and so on are common ways you’ll see people use to channel and get in touch with the “life force” flowing through everything.
The Red Dragon
What was the most powerful and awesome creature in the movie? Remember? It was the power that the man using the avatar harnessed to ultimately bring all the blue people together with him to save their world. Yes! It was a red dragon. I don’t think I have to explain how a red dragon is one of the most often used symbols of Satan. All the other dragons in the movie were different colors like grey or blue or greenish. The one supreme, powerful, huge, dominating one was red. And the guy harnessed the power of the red dragon to impress everyone and rally them to defeat the enemy and save the world. The other dragons were harnessed by the other blue people to give them the power to fly all over, lift heavy objects, and go to high places. (Sound like spiritualism where you use the power of lesser demons to have out-of-body experiences, fly around the universe on the Astral Plane, and use mind powers to see the future and lift objects with your mind?)
I’ve Seen the Enemy and He is Us
Who was the enemy? They were humans, yes. They were also a powerful capitalist corporation and their private army of US military thugs. Oddly enough, Luciferians for a hundred years, and especially since the books of occultist Alice Bailey were published by Lucifer Publishing before World War II, have been calling for the overthrow of capitalism and nationalism. They claim that nationalism makes armies necessary, and they want to get rid of armies. Capitalism is bad because it makes us think of ourselves, and really individuality needs to disappear so we can all happily unite in our union with Satan and all the people and creatures and plants of the world (as in Gaia Hypothesis). Humans are the only ones, they say, who dare to resist uniting with each other and Satan. So, we need to overcome humans, capitalists, and national militaries like in the movie.
There’s another layer to the humans arriving and trying to take over. They come in from somewhere else, though they don’t belong there, and try to seize control of the planet. In the course of doing that, they are totally destroying the place. Guess what Luciferians call God? The External Controller. This is precisely what they say God is doing on this planet. They say He doesn’t belong here, but comes in unwanted and tries to seize control. And that is the only reason this world is so chaotic and bad, because someone who doesn’t belong there is struggling for control, when all Lucifer wants to do is live in peace and bring harmony and joy to his beautiful planet, like the mother tree.
So, in one three hour movie we have the hero, the good guy, playing the role of Satan’s identity Djwal Khul. The tree of light, the mother tree, is the most powerful good on the planet, and a clear-cut symbol of Satan. The most awesome power for uniting and destroying the enemy to save the world is a red dragon, one of the ultimate symbols of Satan. And the evil humans who don’t want to be in harmony with the planet, along with the military and capitalists, and the external controller GOD HIMSELF get conquered and evicted from the planet by the end of the three hours.
There is one more loose end you may have noticed that I haven’t mentioned yet. The central character, the avatar, whom I said is ultimately the role of Jesus in Luciferian doctrine doesn’t seem to make sense. The ex-Marine is in the role of Djwal Khul, and his avatar, the blue guy, is Jesus, and saves the world. How did Jesus help Djwal Khul (Satan) save the world? Here is the heart of modern Luciferian doctrine. Satan claims that he is the ultimate god. He used Jesus as an avatar to point the way to the Father, himself. Jesus messed up and started saying He was the Way, Truth and Life, and no one comes to the Father but by Him. That was excessive pride talking. He was supposed to say that He showed the way to the Father, and that’s it. Jesus was supposed to show what it looked like for the average man to become a Christ, a god, and point the way to the ultimate Christ, Lucifer. Then we would understand that every human can become a christ, a god, by merging with Lucifer. Once we have all merged with Lucifer, the External Controller is conquered and evicted, and the world is saved, bringing about a thousand years of peace and prosperity since God is no longer messing things up. So, the movie shows what was supposed to happen if Jesus hadn’t gotten proud and confused everyone with all that talk about how He was the Way.
I’m sure there’s a lot more symbolism in there. A lot. I saw the movie a year ago and am going on memory. I don’t intend to watch essentially “Lucifer, a love story” again just to get a better handle on all of the symbolism. You get the point. The whole movie is an explanation of Luciferian beliefs, with the “happy” ending that Satan is hoping for but will never see besides in the movie theater. Maybe he will build his own private movie theater and leave us alone? No, I didn’t think so.
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