Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another expert agrees with my prediction

Not the expert

Katastrophenhausse: “crack-up boom” due to out-of-control government printing of money and the resulting complete loss of confidence in it.

Jan 21, 2010

By: Bob_Chapman

“We forecast this two years ago while most economists were sleeping. This past year the Fed bought 80% of new government debt or $1.2 trillion worth as foreigners bought only $300 billion worth. To think this program will end is pure folly. There will be no one to buy the debt, which grows larger with each minute. Deficits will run more than $1.5 trillion a year as far as the eye can see. Revenues continue to fall and spending to rise. Foreigners are dumping dollars not accumulating them. Worse yet many other nations have similar problems. They have to raise money as well. Who will accommodate them? We are talking $10 trillion alone for the G20 countries, some of which are on the edge of bankruptcy. Then again where will the money come from to bail out the likes of California, New York, New Jersey, Florida,Nevada, Arizona, etc.? There just isn’t enough money to go around. The Fed has to increase printing money and issuing credit; there is no other choice short of economic collapse. The price to be paid for this Keynesian profligacy is hyperinflation and you can be sure it is already in the money pipeline.”

Also, let me point out the link in the Great Websites section at right for "Hyperinflation Nation," which shows one world-class expert after another predicting a hyperinflationary depression in the United States soon.

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