If individuals are still clearly suffering, who is leading this recovery, and with what resources? Banks are broke. Hundreds will likely go bankrupt this year. Most are engaging in "extend and pretend" by constantly postponing the day the have to admit many of their loans are in default.
For that matter, FDIC is broke. They are on the hook for up to $5.1 TRILLION. Ask me how much money they have set aside for that. Go ahead and ask me... Close to zero.
Businesses are broke. Tax receipts from businesses are down more than 90%.
The Treasury is broke. Remember this chart that shows tax receipts more or less steady, but spending exploding?

Social Security is far beyond broke. So is Medicare.

Our government is printing money to loan itself money. I ask again, who is leading the "recovery" and with what resources? Printing presses and stacks of paper?
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