Consider, it is well known and reported that the government of China is terrified of its citizens. The commnist party is 17% of the population. That leaves 1,079,000,000 Chinese to rebel against the ruling party, which beats down and controls them. The unwritten deal between the rulers and the citizens is that the ruling class can continue with their ridiculous, oppressive, old-timey communism as long as the people have enough free market that they are able to climb up to the level of prosperity of the free world. (They have a way to go. GDP per person is less than $3,500 per person per year, so incomes are even less. Just for comparison, our GDP per person is over $43,000.)
China is not only 83% non-communist and mostly very poor, but also already has a lot of demonstrations and unrest, and has 300 MILLION migrant workers who restlessly move around the country for work. The government has to create 25,000 new jobs each day just to keep up with new workers entering the workforce. How do you say powderkeg in Chinese?
Consequently, China's leaders are highly motivated to keep people fat, happy, and hopeful about the future, since they rule at the whim of everyone else. So, besides the recent explosion of money and lending that may cause them a burst bubble like we are going through, they generally do a very good job. The entire future of communism in China depends on it.
So, what about our government? It certainly was set up to be very responsive to citizens, but let's look at their record recently. The federal government is about to impose socialized medicine on a country that is 64-70% against, depending on the poll (a fringe group of kooks and nazis according to the perpetrators of it). Cap and trade is set to befall us next, which is about 60% against (Did I mention that's the largest tax increase in the history of the world?), and illegal alien amnesty, which is over 80% against. There were the bailouts, 80% against, and TARP, over 70% against. Stimulus I think was 60+% against.
Stopping the overwhelming tsunami of debt is the top priority of three-quarters of Americans, obviously the three-quarters who are not part of the federal government. They just passed another $1.1 TRILLION dollar mountain of pork and raised the debt ceiling. In fact, this administration is set to spend more money than the federal government has spent in the past 230 years COMBINED.
I believe our congress and president are serving the people who matter most to them, but who is that? Chinese leaders serve well economically because they are running scared. With approval of congress at 20%, the most unpopular early-term president in US history and an election next year, why aren't they scared? Maybe if they were, the well-being and will of the average American would factor into their calculations from time to time.
If fear of the citizenry hit Washington DC, we could probably be better served than the Chinese, because our systems and form of government are better for that. For now, we get a program of take-overs that about 500 people in the whole country want, and with a budget that is sustainable until about a week from next Tuesday.

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