I actually try not to pick on the global warming political movement. The problem with that is two-fold. One, they want to destroy the entire worldwide economy in the name of warming to conform with their political beliefs, which I object to. Two, they were foolish enough to tangle up their political movement with science, exposing themselves to thousands of scientists all over the world disemboweling their attempts at science more or less constantly. In response, they pretty much send out their politicians to say, "My buddies and I have a magical consensus, so no one else can question us. And we can't hear you...LA! LA! LA! LA! LA!"
Let's review where their movement actually is at in 2010.
- They have about 60 scientists convinced of man-made global warming. They have never been able to produce even a full 60 who will sign on to any statement saying the earth is definitely warming and man did it. Tens of thousands of scientists have signed statements disputing it. The most recent has 34,000 signatures. If we count the 60 and the 34,000 as being all the scientists who have taken a stand, they have gotten .17% of scientists to join their movement.
- According to the latest worldwide polling, they have convinced about 450 million people of global warming, leaving 6,400,000,000 people to be the "fringe group of skeptics" that Al Gore talks about. In other words, they have convinced 6.6% of the world's population. Not bad for a hoax. I bet that's more than believe in fairies.
- It appears that 100% of left-leaning big-government-type politicians worldwide are on board. That is their ace.
- The warming and cooling cycles we see are somehow unusual. Since we are well within the normal cycle range, they have been unable to approach proving this.
- The earth is getting unusually warm. Since we know of many periods when it was much warmer (which were very good for life on earth), this is a problem.
- CO2 levels are rising unusually. Since all the latest data says this is not provable, and since in periods like the Jurassic CO2 levels were twice as high, this is also a problem.
- Just this once, CO2 will cause warming, instead of being a result of warming as it always has been. The case is far from proven that nature will do a complete about-face just this once.
- It is the one half of one percent of co2 that humans cause that are the big problem. Not provable right now, to say the least.
- CO2 is the deciding factor that affects climate, although it is a fairly insignificant trace element, at .37% of the atmosphere. Far from proven.
- The activity levels of the sun and wobbles in the earth's orbit are not the deciding factor in the warming and cooling of the earth. At the moment, the data shows a far more convincing link between solar minimums and maximums and earth cycles than between a certain trace element (which is, after all, plant food) and climate.
- Changes in human activity, specifically draconian world government and an extensive system of punishments and controls, can change the earths' climate. To say this is unproven probably goes without saying. (To find out more about the brutal regime they propose, research what they want to mandate about controlling human population, limiting pets, limiting diet, rationing, euthanasia, etc.
In conclusion, they would really have to prove all of these in order to convince the other 6.4 billion people on earth. It would help if they could prove one and go from there. Ultimately though, once the politicians are convinced, it's probably all over. It is tied up in an agenda they love, and that is extremely good for them, so they will find a way to cram it down people's throats, even in this country.
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