No nonsense symbol of freedom
Another thing. That opportunistic hate-monger Jesse Jackson was in town. Why on God's earth would anyone listen to him? Every time he speaks it's a hate crime. I think he is a grotesque caricature of the civil rights movement that he once proudly had a part in. Now he is just an ambulance chaser, who uses the opportunities to beat black people down more and persuade them they are victims and powerless and should be full of hate. I think Reverend Martin Luther King would be repulsed by what he has become. King lifted people up and gave them hope to persevere, as opposed to this.
As anyone who has heard this racist parasite can tell you, it almost doesn't matter what happened to bring him here. What did happen is that a man's family reported to the police that he was agitated, suicidal, and was waving a gun around. Some details, details...and the man refused to comply with anything the police said, including to put down his gun. He started to run and reach into his waistband area and they killed him. Jesse Jackson called the police "terrorists" and claimed they "executed" the guy.
Of course, if they had said, "Hey look, I know you're an armed threat, but since you have that melanin in your skin, you get a free pass. Carry on." If he had then shot a couple of people then his girlfriend and himself, Jackson would say it was a deliberate "holocaust," and that the only reason the police didn't bother to keep people safe was because they wanted to see black people dead. Either way Jackson gets to be a media whore, and maybe get some donations.
More nonsense. People say the problems in Greece won't affect anything else because their GDP is 2% of the EU. One, Lehman Brothers' size was smaller than that relative to our GDP, and look what happened when they failed. Two, it has to do with confidence, nitwit, not the dollar value of the problem. If investors worldwide lose confidence that the risk of default is worth the measly return offered by countries who want to borrow, it could be game over. The most valuable thing in the world is confidence. At the least this could cause a repricing of risk, meaning higher borrowing costs for everyone everywhere. Do you think the economy is strong enough for that?
Want to talk about nonsense? How about the EPA ruling that the CO2 that we exhale, which is absolutely necessary for plant life, is a pollutant dangerous to humans? Is that daffy enough for you? Luckily, starting today three states (so far) and four industry groups have sued the EPA for attacking American business and consumers based on junk science. I would love to see the EPA have to prove that CO2 hurts people. Ultimately, that would mean it would have to be mandated that each person only gets one breath per lifetime. They inhale once and that's it. If they were to exhale, they would be poisoning everyone else.
You know, rotting vegetation releases 440 TRILLION tons of CO2 per year. If they outlawed vegetation and outlawed breathing, POOF! Problem solved.
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