What have I been warning about for months?
The United States will scare off the buyers of its debt to the point that they will just refuse to buy it, or expect a high interest rate because of the risk. I predicted failed auctions and debt buyers getting scared off by the end of March. The first failed auction was on February 12, 2010.
Why am I belaboring this whole idea that the things I predicted last September are now predicted by hundreds of experts, and are coming true day by day? Anyone who reads this, if you don't believe it will happen and don't take action, your life will be wrecked. These idiots in Washington will destroy the economy and you will lose everything if you have US dollars, stocks, and so on. There are things people can do, but you have to really believe it is happening first.
While I'm at it, I defy anyone who show me mathematically how they can possibly pull us out of this without a disaster. I also defy anyone to come up with one thing they have done to actually make things better -- not make a show or pay of their friends, make things better for someone outside their immediate political circle.
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