Sunday, March 21, 2010

Social Justice nightmare

Great points from this article:

"...While President Obama has made wide use of his claim to fighting for Social Justice, especially with his zeal towards a government takeover of our healthcare system, he has utterly ignored the natural – fully predictable – unintended consequences of his attempt to reorder the best medical delivery system the world has ever created.

In fact, this reordering of the American medical delivery system to suit the whims of socialist reformers, President Obama is ensuring a genuine Social Justice nightmare for the whole world.

In which Country do the new drugs, medical innovations and most advanced surgical techniques originate? Exactly. In the United States of America.

But the United States is not a selfish Nation. And every one of these medical “miracles,” the products of free enterprise, under the supervision of government oversight, makes its way quite quickly to the rest of the world. Socialist countries, unable to produce the cures themselves because they have choked innovation with their own “centralized planner” philosophies, then buy the new American drugs at highly discounted prices for their own citizens. In effect, the American medical system quite heavily subsidizes all the other medical systems of the world with its own ingenuity and enterprise. Our doctors routinely travel around the globe, sharing and teaching their techniques to other doctors in other countries. Our charities routinely offer free medical aid around the globe.

Of course, once Obamacare makes all these “miracle” cures unprofitable, those new innovations will dry up here just as surely as they have in all the other socialized medical systems in the world.

That, in itself, creates a wholly unnecessary Social Justice nightmare for which not only America, but the entire world will pay a hefty price in untold suffering and death.

In addition to drying up incentives for medical innovations, which aid the entire human population, Obamacare will immediately cut the numbers of practicing doctors by up to 45%. This Investors Business Daily polling data, taken last summer, was widely criticized by liberal advocacy groups, but then was vindicated by a figure of 29.2% doctors quitting in an insert of the New England Journal of Medicine. The fact that a sizeable proportion of medical doctors would quit “if patient loads increase while pay decreases,” should not be at all surprising, since this is precisely what has happened in every other country with socialized medical models. Decreasing the supply of doctors will unarguably strike a blow at Social Justice, which simply cannot be overstated. One can throw all the taxpayer money he wishes at a disease, but that won’t cure what ails real patients. Keeping people unnecessarily sick because of a doctor shortage is unconscionable in the realm of Social Justice doctrine..."

Of course, I don't care about "social justice." It is stealing private property using big brother. It's neat that they came up with an inoffensive term for Marxism, that is just enough to fool the mouth breathers, but it's still stealing. As world history shows extremely clearly, if you can establish capitalism in a country and get the government the heck out of the way, you will have rapidly rising incomes for all, and millions of people zoom up from destitution to middle class. That actually works in real life.

No sleazy politicians need to hoard all the money and eke it out to people they need to buy off. Real people get real benefit every day of their lives under real capitalism without pollution by government. Are the outcomes perfectly equal? Of course not. Nothing is perfectly equal and never will be (especially under Marxist "social justice" which creates a super-rich ruling class and destitute serf class). Even height or attractiveness is not equally distributed. What are you going to do, pound tall people over the head with a sledge hammer, and slash the faces of the beautiful to equal the outcomes? It's insane.

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