Saturday, May 1, 2010

Medical takeover is wrong-headed

"For society as a whole, nothing comes as a 'right' to which we are 'entitled'. Even bare subsistence has to be produced.... The only way anyone can have a right to something that has to be produced is to force someone else to produce it... The more things are provided as rights, the less the recipients have to work and the more the providers have to carry the load." Thomas Sowell

Would it have hurt them, if they had, for example, actually believed that American healthcare (easily demonstrated to be the best in the world, though expensive) is broken, to have done something about the actual problems in it? How would that have been so bad? Government interference in healthcare costs us a fortune in lives and money. More interference by millions of politicians, IRS enforcement agents, and DMV clerk types will make it better? Why not allow interstate competition and regulate the insanely high lawsuit awards ($80 million dollars for imperfectly done skin grafts on a guys butt???)?

Just for fun, let's make fun of the liberals again. They provide infinite amounts of fodder with beliefs based primarily on feelings, part on magic, and part pure BS. The only thing they can ever come up with to prove that we somehow receive inferior care in this country (though medical tourists flock here from every socialized system on earth) is life expectancy. We appear to live a year or two less than people in some socialized countries -- but remember, if they have a serious problem, they still have our awesome medical care available to them as medical tourists.

Dig into the data the tiniest bit, and you realize the problem. In all countries a significant part of the life expectancy calculation is infant death. If 5 in 1000 infants die it reduces the average lifespan a lot, since they only lived to maybe 3 days, which chops off 78 years from their expected life. So, this problem is easily solved. Since most babies that die die within the first few days, in other countries they don't even count it as a life until up to 14 DAYS AFTER BIRTH. We count from the first minute, so every infant death is counted. Voila! There it is. They don't count babies who die. We do. So our medical system is terrible.

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”
H.L. Mencken

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
H.L. Mencken

Can you base a whole government on envy and free-loading? Socialists like Obama and his merry men say yes! Why not?

"Let me get this straight. We're going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a President who also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke. What the hell could possibly go wrong?" unknown

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