Do you believe me yet?????
Since October I have been predicting and explaining about the coming global collapse due to the fundamental repricing of sovereign debt, the loss of confidence, and the ensuing panic. I am not saying that this definitely is the event that starts the total collapse of the world economy and brings about a world totalitarian government. What I am saying is that I predicted that at duck would walk around a certain street corner at 4:00 pm. We're now at the corner and it's 3:57 and something is waddling and quacking around the corner on webbed feet.
In other words, I don't really care if this is the event that starts it off. It could be a different event next week or another one in three weeks. This is what the beginning of it will look like. And keep in mind that Greece is the tiniest, most insignificant blip in this drama. Greece is like equivalent to West Virginia. It's nothing, yet look at the panic, the trillions of dollars lost around the world, the emergency world leader meetings. What happens when it's Spain and Portugal and the UK? Or Italy, Ireland, and Hungary? Then when it hits Japan and the US, then what?
Because the stakes are very high, I will be more blunt than I have ever been on this blog. Once this thing really hits the ONLY things that will have value will be food, water, shelter, heat, light, alcohol and cigarettes, fuel, things like that. I wouldn't bet much on the chances of a person who hasn't prepared surviving the first 60 days of the serious panic and collapse. Read about currency-type crises. It is very, very bad. There is a hundred times the crime. There's looting, burglary, rioting, murder, starvation, war, civil war, totalitarian crackdown, martial law. You name it.
Maybe I'm wrong and it won't happen. Considering that in the last year I have been by far the most accurate forecaster on the planet, if you disregard my warning, you are most likely taking your life in your hands.
The second article is hilarious. It claims that the danger to the American economy is limited. I could pound that argument into the ground, but it should suffice to say that we get this nonsense all the time and it's never right. They have talked us through this whole recession with garbage like that. "Subprime is no big deal; it's tiny...Well, it's not tiny, but isn't a problem...Well, it's a problem, but will only hurt banks...It won't just hurt banks, but the effect will be small and of short duration..." And on and on.
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