Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Apocalypse illustrated

I hope this is big enough. This is a pretty clear illustration of what I have been talking to death for six months. It shows the cycle of how "they" have set it up so that first mortgage bankers were mandated to fail by law. Then that cascaded through the economic players. then government swallowed all the bad debt without fixing or attempting to fix anything. As all that garbage debt goes through its digestive system we will slowly see the failure of small countries, regions, major countries, and the collapse of everything. I won't go through exactly how, since I have talked about that many times. I just wanted to show this great illustration.

By the way, "fiat currency," the collapse of which is coming up and will bring the collapse of everything everywhere, is currency backed by nothing. Ultimately, people who are needed to lend money to the government will realize that "backed by the full faith and credit of the United States" means nothing if the leaders are insane. If they will never stop borrowing money or spending money and can never, ever pay it back, your chances of getting a loan to them repaid are not good. Many experts have illustrated through their research that once a currency is not backed by anything, politicians print money like there's no tomorrow until eventually there is no tomorrow for their empire and it collapses.

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