Look at this. Isn't it extraordinary that a full 20% of the population is still brave enough to call themselves liberal? We'll see if it's even 2% six months from now, when the full devastation of their policies becomes more widely known. On the chart above they include liberalism among the ideologies. Hilarious. Correct me if I'm wrong. Vague feelings that the government needs to be much bigger, America is evil, and all people need to be forced to do what my feelings dictate doesn't make an ideology. Really, one of the funniest things is to see liberals try to transmogrify all their little feelings into rational thought in order to try to debate.
On this day when our benevolent government has foisted on us some more onerous, pointless, destructive, idiotic, and power-grabbing financial regulation that has nothing to do with the problem they said they were solving, it is a good day for this quote from Thorstein Polleit:
"In his book Interventionism, Mises explained that market interventions would not create a lasting system of economic organization. He wrote,
If governments do not give them up and return to the unhampered market economy, if they stubbornly persist in the attempt to compensate by further interventions for the shortcomings of earlier interventions, they will find eventually that they have adopted socialism.[2]
Interventionism in the field of monetary affairs — most notably by governments controlling money production — has caused damage on the grandest scale."
This really is the story of our day. Governments setting fires, setting more fires to put out those fires, and setting even more fires to put out those fires until everything is burned down. Brilliant.
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