Read the article about the International Monetary Fund talking about how the risks have risen so much recently.
Let's review:
- Most major governments are beyond bankrupt
- Their citizens, whom they would like to rob, are bankrupt
- Almost all banks in major countries are bankrupt
- Pension funds in most major countries are bankrupt
- 41 US states are bankrupt
- The majority of counties and cities are bankrupt
- In the last two weeks there have been large-scale riots in six European countries
- The US and Europe are so broke, they have to literally print their own money to lend themselves money because there is not enough private savings in the whole world to lend as much as they want to borrow.
- Prior to the meltdown in 2008 four things happened in a row: bank repo market seizure, interbank lending seizure, general liquidity seizure, Lehman Brothers and the collapse.
- Right at this moment we are on the third of those, liquidity seizure. That's not a bad sign, is it?
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