Monday, June 14, 2010

Six great proposals

This article has six great proposals that would have an actual beneficial effect on the economy, as opposed to the payoffs to all of Obama's pals, and picking and choosing which companies get to survive and get taxpayer money. These are real-life proposals, which actually work here on earth. Therefore, there is no possibility that they will ever see the light of day in our insane, spendaholic, backward, benighted White House. Too bad, we could have used an actual recovery instead of a rhetorical or PR recovery which happens almost exclusively in Obama's mind and on his boss, the teleprompter. Excerpt:

"1. Give large tax cuts to small businesses because payroll taxes discourage hiring.

2. Permanently reduce energy costs by adopting and implementing a coherent energy policy that weans us off imported oil and supports nuclear, wind, and especially natural gas energy.

3. Provide retraining and skill retooling for long-run unemployed.

4. Cut jobless benefits. Why should people go to work when they can collect money for not working? FDR didn’t do that in the Great Depression and Obama shouldn’t be doing it now.

5. Eliminate the minimum wage. We are not in the dark ages any more in terms of labor protection, Rosenberg notes. Let the market work — and be amazed at how quickly the demand for labor would respond.

6. Reduce marginal personal tax rates. Find or make other ways to raise tax monies other than taxing income, which, in the final analysis, is taxing the work ethic. Remember, there was no federal income tax until 1913 (1917 in Canada)."

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